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Writer's pictureCS Simpson

The Digital Rabbit Hole

Updated: May 13, 2022

So... I've been writing, and writing, and writing, and... my brain is tired.

Do you ever get lost in what you thought would be a simple research moment? Yesterday, as I was writing (shocking I know), I decided I needed to add specific detail to the moment. But I didn't know what the RIGHT detail was. So, I opened a new browser tab, entered my digital research key words, and then two hours passed.

TWO hours?! How could that be? The subject matter wasn't even that engrossing. It was like some kind of a time warp thing.

I've decided that my mind rebelled against my determinedness to finish my novel by the end of this September. My addled mind saw an opportunity for a gear-switch and went for it. Two hours worth of research became relaxing! My subconscious took me down 'the rabbit hole of mental rest' from my story.

And I'm grateful.

How can you find rest from your engrossing work this week? Maybe you shouldn't wait for your subconscious to choose one for you...


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